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    Miniaturized Time-Bin Phase-Coding Quantum Key Distribution Terminal

    Miniaturized Time-Bin Phase-Coding Quantum Key Distribution QKD-PHA1250-J21 have fully independent intellectual property rights owned by QunatumCTek.This implement decoy-state BB84 protocol with time-bin phase-coding scheme,integrated quantum key distribution and key storage management functions。The products can realize quantum key distribution in general and special channel environment ( electrical aerial optical cable, bridge aerial optical cable , rail buried optical cable, etc.) .

    QKD-PHA1250-J21 products are 19-inch 2U standard rackable enclosure, and suitable for utilization in the equipment room of data communication, and mainly used in Metropolitan Area Network.

    QKD-PHA1250-J21 can be divided into two types:QKD-PHA1250A-J21(Transmitting in simplex mode, Type-A) and QKD-PHA1250B-J21 (Receiving in simplex mode, Type-B). Type-A and Type-B can be connected together to execute quantum key distribution.

    Long distance coding rate@25℃: 2kbps@26dB


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